Problem: According to a survey by Deloitte, 77% of professionals have encountered burnout in their workplace. Additionally, the study found that 91% of respondents reported that experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress or frustration has a detrimental effect on their work quality.
In this project, I will investigate the underlying factors within the workspace that contribute to the rate of employee burnout.
To answer this question, I will employ regression analysis and predictive modeling techniques using a data base obtained from kaggle which includes an extensive variety of variables.
The variables I will be using to solve my question are:
# libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Import data
bo_data = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/ntybl/OneDrive/Documents/Data Science for ECON/BurnoutData.csv")
Employee ID | Date of Joining | Gender | Company Type | WFH Setup Available | Designation | Resource Allocation | Mental Fatigue Score | Burn Rate | |
0 | fffe32003000360033003200 | 09/30/2008 | Female | Service | No | 2 | 3.0 | 3.8 | 0.16 |
1 | fffe3700360033003500 | 11/30/2008 | Male | Service | Yes | 1 | 2.0 | 5.0 | 0.36 |
2 | fffe31003300320037003900 | 03/10/2008 | Female | Product | Yes | 2 | NaN | 5.8 | 0.49 |
3 | fffe32003400380032003900 | 11/03/2008 | Male | Service | Yes | 1 | 1.0 | 2.6 | 0.20 |
4 | fffe31003900340031003600 | 07/24/2008 | Female | Service | No | 3 | 7.0 | 6.9 | 0.52 |
# Delete "Employee ID" since its not relevant for this analysis
bo_data.drop(columns=['Employee ID'], inplace=True)
# Convert 'Date of Joining' to datetime format
bo_data['Date of Joining'] = pd.to_datetime(bo_data['Date of Joining'])
# Summary statistics of the numerical variables
summary_stats = bo_data[['Designation', 'Resource Allocation', 'Mental Fatigue Score', 'Burn Rate',]].describe()
Designation Resource Allocation Mental Fatigue Score Burn Rate count 22750.000000 21369.000000 20633.000000 21626.000000 mean 2.178725 4.481398 5.728188 0.452005 std 1.135145 2.047211 1.920839 0.198226 min 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 25% 1.000000 3.000000 4.600000 0.310000 50% 2.000000 4.000000 5.900000 0.450000 75% 3.000000 6.000000 7.100000 0.590000 max 5.000000 10.000000 10.000000 1.000000
Designation: Rank of an employee within the organization
Resource Allocation: Number of hours worked per day
Mental Fatigue Score:
Burn Rate:
# Histogram of 'Mental Fatigue Score' and 'Burn Rate'
plot_df = bo_data[['Mental Fatigue Score', 'Burn Rate']]
# Plot histograms
plot_df.hist(bins=30, figsize=(10, 6), color='blue', edgecolor='black')
Mental Fatigue Score
Burn Rate
Overall both histograms exhibit a bell-shaped distribution with slight deviations from symmetry.
# Scatter plot of 'Mental Fatigue Score' against 'Burn Rate'
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.scatter(bo_data['Mental Fatigue Score'], bo_data['Burn Rate'], color='blue', alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Scatter Plot of Mental Fatigue Score vs. Burn Rate')
plt.xlabel('Mental Fatigue Score')
plt.ylabel('Burn Rate')
# line plot of 'Mental Fatigue Score' against 'Date of Joining'
line_plt = bo_data[['Date of Joining', 'Mental Fatigue Score']]
# Extract month and year from 'Date of Joining'
line_plt['Joining Month'] = line_plt['Date of Joining'].dt.to_period('M')
# Group by 'Joining Month' and calculate average 'Mental Fatigue Score' for each month
monthly_avg_score = line_plt.groupby('Joining Month')['Mental Fatigue Score'].mean()
# Plot line plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(monthly_avg_score.index.to_timestamp(), monthly_avg_score.values, color='blue')
plt.title('Average Mental Fatigue Score by Joining Month')
plt.xlabel('Joining Month')
plt.ylabel('Average Mental Fatigue Score')
plt.xticks(rotation=45) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
C:\Users\ntybl\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_11756\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: line_plt['Joining Month'] = line_plt['Date of Joining'].dt.to_period('M')
# Bar chart of 'Burn Rate' against 'Designation'
burn_designation = bo_data.groupby('Designation')['Burn Rate'].mean()
# Plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)), burn_designation.values, color='blue')
plt.title('Average Burn Rate by Designation Level')
plt.xlabel('Designation Level')
plt.ylabel('Average Burn Rate')
# Bar chart of 'Burn Rate' against 'Gender'
burn_gender = bo_data.groupby('Gender')['Burn Rate'].mean()
# Plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)), burn_gender.values, color='green')
plt.title('Average Burn Rate by Gender')
plt.ylabel('Average Burn Rate')
# Bar chart of 'Burn Rate' against 'Gender'
burn_WFH = bo_data.groupby('WFH Setup Available')['Burn Rate'].mean()
# Plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)), burn_WFH.values, color='pink')
plt.title('Average Burn Rate by WFH')
plt.ylabel('Average Burn Rate')
dataplot = sns.heatmap(bo_data.corr(), cmap="YlGnBu", annot=True)
# Check for null values
null_percentage = (bo_data.isnull().sum() / len(bo_data)) * 100
print("Null Percentage by Column:")
Null Percentage by Column: Date of Joining 0.000000 Gender 0.000000 Company Type 0.000000 WFH Setup Available 0.000000 Designation 0.000000 Resource Allocation 6.070330 Mental Fatigue Score 9.305495 Burn Rate 4.940659 dtype: float64
I will handle the missing values during the Feature engineering phase of this project.
from scipy.stats import skew
from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer
# Convert categorical variables into binary variables
bo_data.replace({'Gender': {'Male': 1, 'Female': 0},
'Company Type': {'Service': 1, 'Product': 0},
'WFH Setup Available': {'Yes': 1, 'No': 0}}, inplace=True)
# Split data into predictors and and classes (outcome variable).
predictors = bo_data[['Gender', 'Company Type', 'WFH Setup Available', 'Designation', 'Resource Allocation']]
classes = bo_data[['Burn Rate']]
# look at the shapes
(22750, 5) (22750, 1)
# Use k-nearest neighbors to impute missing values
# Initialize KNN imputer
imputer = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=3) # You can adjust the number of neighbors as needed
# Impute missing values
predictors_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(predictors)
# Convert the array back to a DataFrame
predictors_imputed = pd.DataFrame(predictors_imputed, columns=predictors.columns)
# Impute missing values of classes using mean
classes_imputed = classes.fillna(classes.mean())
# Check for skewness
columns_to_check = ['Designation', 'Resource Allocation']
# Calculate skewness for each column
for col in columns_to_check:
skewness = skew(predictors_imputed[col])
print(f"Skewness of {col}: {skewness}")
Skewness of Designation: 0.09241529095974846 Skewness of Resource Allocation: 0.20676562406952995
# I will now apply PCA to my predictors
# Standardize the predictors
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled_predictors = scaler.fit_transform(predictors_imputed)
# Apply PCA
pca = PCA()
# Transform the predictors into principal components
predictor_pca = pca.transform(scaled_predictors)
print('Variance explained by PCs {0}'.format(pca.explained_variance_ratio_))
Variance explained by PCs [0.41039126 0.20066018 0.19228763 0.17384157 0.02281937]
# Plot explained variance ratio
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)), len(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) + 1), pca.explained_variance_ratio_, color='skyblue')
plt.xlabel('Principal Component')
plt.ylabel('Explained Variance Ratio')
plt.title('Explained Variance Ratio of Principal Components')
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Split the data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(predictors_imputed, classes_imputed, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Create and fit linear regression
X_train_sm = sm.add_constant(X_train) # Add constant term
model_sm = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train_sm)
results_sm =
# Make predictions on testing set
X_test_sm = sm.add_constant(X_test) # Add constant term
y_pred = results_sm.predict(X_test_sm)
# Calculate MSE
mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("Mean Squared Error (Linear):", mse)
# Calculate AIC
aic = results_sm.aic
print("AIC (Linear):", aic)
Mean Squared Error (Linear): 0.011598094478036369 AIC (Linear): -29607.080420509024
# Plot actual vs predicted values
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot([y_test.min(), y_test.max()], [y_test.min(), y_test.max()], color='red', linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel('Actual Burnout Rate')
plt.ylabel('Predicted Burnout Rate')
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted Burnout Rate (Linear Regression)')
# Apply np.ravel
y_train = np.ravel(y_train)
y_test = np.ravel(y_test)
# Fit the Lasso regression model
lasso_model = Lasso(alpha=0.1), y_train)
# Make predictions on the test set
y_pred = lasso_model.predict(X_test)
# Calculate MSE
mse_l = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("Mean Squared Error (Lasso):", mse_l)
# Calculate RSS to calculate AIC later
rss = np.sum((y_pred - y_test) ** 2)
# Number features
n_predictors = X_train.shape[1]
# Calculate the number of observations
n_obs = len(y_test)
# Calculate the degrees of freedom
df = n_obs - n_predictors - 1
# Calculate the AIC
aic = n_obs * np.log(rss / n_obs) + 2 * n_predictors
print("AIC (Lasso):", aic)
Mean Squared Error (Lasso): 0.013770525810345529 AIC (Lasso): -19487.772757009512
# Fit the Lasso regression model with a lower alpha value
lasso_model2 = Lasso(alpha=0.001), y_train)
# Make predictions on the test set
y_pred = lasso_model2.predict(X_test)
mse_l2 = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("Mean Squared Error (Lasso2):", mse_l2)
rss = np.sum((y_pred - y_test) ** 2)
# Number of features
n_predictors = X_train.shape[1]
# Observations
n_obs = len(y_test)
# Degrees of freedom
df = n_obs - n_predictors - 1
aic = n_obs * np.log(rss / n_obs) + 2 * n_predictors
print("AIC (Lasso2):", aic)
Mean Squared Error (Lasso2): 0.011606493044358195 AIC (Lasso2): -20265.667194807742
# KNN model
knn_model = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5)
# Fit the model, y_train)
# Make predictions
y_pred = knn_model.predict(X_test)
# Evaluate (MSE)
mse_knn = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("Mean Squared Error (KNN):", mse_knn)
Mean Squared Error (KNN): 0.013328017433556338
# KNN model with 3 neighbors
knn_model2 = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=3)
# Fit the model, y_train)
# Make predictions
y_pred = knn_model2.predict(X_test)
# Evaluate (MSE)
mse_knn2 = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print("Mean Squared Error (KNN2):", mse_knn2)
Mean Squared Error (KNN2): 0.014377058149953001
# Initialize the Random Forest
rf_model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=44)
# Fit the model on train, y_train)
# Make predictions on test
y_pred_rf = rf_model.predict(X_test)
# Calculate MSE
mse_rf = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_rf)
print("Mean Squared Error (Random Forest):", mse_rf)
Mean Squared Error (Random Forest): 0.01117968504080362
# Random Forest with higher n_estimators
# Initialize the Random Forest
rf_model2 = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=300, random_state=44)
# Fit the model on train, y_train)
# Make predictions on test
y_pred_rf = rf_model2.predict(X_test)
# Calculate MSE
mse_rf2 = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_rf)
print("Mean Squared Error (Random Forest2):", mse_rf2)
Mean Squared Error (Random Forest2): 0.011178057893738682
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
# Model Selection
print("Mean Squared Error (Linear):", mse)
print("Mean Squared Error (Lasso):", mse_l)
print("Mean Squared Error (Lasso2):", mse_l2)
print("Mean Squared Error (KNN):", mse_knn)
print("Mean Squared Error (KNN2):", mse_knn2)
print("Mean Squared Error (Random Forest):", mse_rf)
print("Mean Squared Error (Random Forest2):", mse_rf2)
Mean Squared Error (Linear): 0.013770525810345529 Mean Squared Error (Lasso): 0.013770525810345529 Mean Squared Error (Lasso2): 0.011606493044358195 Mean Squared Error (KNN): 0.013328017433556338 Mean Squared Error (KNN2): 0.014377058149953001 Mean Squared Error (Random Forest): 0.01117968504080362 Mean Squared Error (Random Forest2): 0.011178057893738682
# Random Forest
# Define parameters
param_grid = {
'n_estimators': [300, 500, 700, 1000],
'max_depth': [None, 10, 20, 30],
'min_samples_split': [2, 5, 10, 15]
# Random Forest regressor
rf_model_g = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=44)
# Initialize GridSearchCV
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf_model_g, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')
# Perform grid search, y_train)
# Get the best model and its parameters
best_rf_model = grid_search.best_estimator_
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
# Print best parameters
print("Best parameters:", best_params)
# Make predictions on test data using the best model
y_pred_best_rf = best_rf_model.predict(X_test)
# Calculate MSE for the best model
mse_best_rf = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred_best_rf)
print("Mean Squared Error (Best Random Forest):", mse_best_rf)
Best parameters: {'max_depth': 10, 'min_samples_split': 15, 'n_estimators': 1000} Mean Squared Error (Best Random Forest): 0.01116517121922181
# Visualize the variables that explain more than 1.3%
# Get the feature names
feature_names = X_train.columns
# Extract feature from the best Random Forest model
best_rf_feature_importances = best_rf_model.feature_importances_
# Create a DataFrame to store the feature importances
rf_model_var_imp = pd.DataFrame({'features': feature_names, 'importance': best_rf_feature_importances})
# Include only variables with importance > 0.013
important_variables = rf_model_var_imp[rf_model_var_imp['importance'] > 0.013]
# Sort by importance values
important_variables = important_variables.sort_values('importance')
# Plot bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.barh(important_variables['features'], important_variables['importance'])
plt.xlabel('Share of Total Explained')
plt.ylabel('Variable Name')
plt.title('Variable Importance (Top Variables)')
Resource Allocation(hr worked per day): Excessive work hours increase the risk of burnout, leading to mental exhaustion and reduced productivity. This not only impacts the workplace but also employees' personal lives. To foster a healthier work environment, organizations should prioritize workload optimization and establish realistic deadlines to promote a better work-life balance.
WFH Setup Available: This confirms the shift in dynamics of modern work, organizations need to adapt their policies to accommodate remote work. It also proves the need for flexibility in the work environment. Working from home allows employees to have a better control over their schedules and reduces the time and effort associated with commuting.
When reviewing the findings and insights I was surprised 'Designation' (ranking within the company) didn't have a high influence in burn out rate since in the exploratory analysis it showed a clear trend between ranking and average burnout. I believe the outcomes of this analysis are relevant for organizations and should be considered since burn out not only affects the productivity of an employee, but it also affects their overall quality of life.
While working on this project, I encountered unexpected challenges, while doing the box-transformation I wasn't satisfied with the results, ultimately after reviewing the skewness before and after box-cox I decided not to transform my data. Another challenge I encountered was when selecting a model. Initially, after building my predictive models the best model based on the MSE was linear regression, I know this is a possibility but anyway it seemed weird, these results made me go back and look at my data and I realized I had a highly correlated variable, so I decided to drop it. Lastly, I encountered a challenge during model tunning since I decided to set n_estimators to 1000 expecting the model to take 20 minutes at most to run but it took around 40 minutes, I would say it was worth it since it was the best model however it made me realize that in another situation when working with a larger data set or with a time constraint I should set more realistic parameters in my models.